Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sim 3 Game Guide

If you're reading this, there's a very good chance that you've heard about The Sims. The first thing you may be asking, then, is whether The Sims 3 is worth playing, or if it's just more of the same. If you're new to the series, here's a quick primer. The Sims 3 is a virtual life simulator. Sims have needs; they need to empty their bladders, to eat, to sleep, to bathe, to have fun, to socialize. Your sims can have babies who will cry in the middle of the night, needing their diapers changed. For experienced Sims players, the laundry list of new features in The Sims 3 is extensive, but the one overhaul that has the biggest impact on the game is how seamlessly you can now move around your virtual town. The effect of the open town has a profound influence on the community aspects of The Sims 3. You can call other sims and invite them over using your handy cell phone, but if you're feeling adventurous, just head directly to another sim's house and introduce yourself. The game also provides spontaneous opportunities for your sims to socialize. Those social opportunities often result from the traits that you assign your sims during creation. These social traits are another new feature, and they influence how your sims will behave in certain situations, the careers that they will most likely excel in, the conversation options available, and many other aspects of daily sim life. You can select up to five traits for your sim, and there are a lot to choose from. So if you'd like to re-create your insane, neurotic, kleptomaniac aunt within the game, then you can do that, and those traits in turn will influence various aspects of her virtual life. Of course, when you create a sim, you're choosing more than just personality traits. Getting sims together is usually a guaranteed laugh. Take your weakling sim to the gym and watch what happens on the treadmill; kiss another sim in front of your husband and watch the slaps ensue.

The Sims 3 Ambitions expansion brings some great new features to the game. This article will cover the new skills, professions, and rewards that you'll find in the game. Ambitions produces a huge variety of different means of earning money. Professions are the primary feature of Ambitions. Pursuing one of these, you'll choose when and where your Sim works. You can take on a variety of different jobs for each profession, which will earn your Sim money. There are six professions total to be explored. The five new professions are: firefighter, stylist, architect, ghost hunter, private investigator. Ghost Hunters can head out into the world and remove hauntings from Sim homes, and even use a special spirit detector to collect ghosts. The Private Investigator profession features plenty of that Sims humor. It's still a great skill to use, and fun to advance. Inventing is likewise great. This allows Sims who are self employed to make extra cash on their items. Ambitions makes some wonderful additions to The Sims 3. World Adventures content wasn't even visible if you weren't traveling.

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